Determines how the lengths of elements are encoded, if you have a choice. When using Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER), this is ignored entirely, since only definite-length encoding is permitted, for instance. Used for setting lengthEncodingPreference in elements where you have a choice.
A convenient method for validating the tag of an ASN.1 element.
A convenient method for validating the tag of an ASN.1 element.
Decodes a string of UTF-16 characters
Encodes a string of UTF-16 characters
Decodes a boolean
Encodes a boolean
Decodes a $(MONO CHARACTER STRING), which is a constructed data type, defined in the, International Telecommunications Union's, X.680.
Encodes a $(MONO CHARACTER STRING), which is a constructed data type, defined in the, International Telecommunications Union's, X.680.
Decodes a DateTime
Encodes a DateTime
Decodes an $(MONO EmbeddedPDV), which is a constructed data type, defined in the, International Telecommunications Union's, X.680.
Encodes an $(MONO EmbeddedPDV), which is a constructed data type, defined in the, International Telecommunications Union's, X.680.
"Decodes" an $(MONO END OF CONTENT), by which I mean: returns nothing, but throws exceptions if the element is not correct.
Encodes an integer that represents an ENUMERATED value
Decodes an integer that represents an ENUMERATED value
Decodes an $(MONO EXTERNAL), which is a constructed data type, defined in the, International Telecommunications Union's, X.680.
Encodes an $(MONO EXTERNAL), which is a constructed data type, defined in the, International Telecommunications Union's, X.680.
Decodes a string containing only ASCII characters.
Encodes a string containing only ASCII characters.
Decodes a DateTime
Encodes a DateTime
Decodes an ASCII string that contains only characters between and including 0x20 and 0x75.
Encodes an ASCII string that contains only characters between and including 0x20 and 0x75.
Decodes an integer
Encodes an integer
Decodes a string of ASCII characters
Encodes a string of ASCII characters
A convenience method for more concisely determining if an element is of APPLICATION tag class.
A convenience method for more concisely determining if an element is of primitive or constructed construction.
A convenience method for more concisely determining if an element is of CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tag class.
A convenience method for more concisely determining if an element is of primitive or constructed construction.
A convenience method for more concisely determining if an element is of PRIVATE tag class.
A convenience method for more concisely determining if an element is of UNIVERSAL tag class.
The length of the value in octets
"Decodes" a $(MONO NULL), by which I mean: returns nothing, but throws exceptions if the element is not correct.
Decodes a string, where the characters of the string are limited to 0 - 9 and space.
Encodes a string, where the characters of the string are limited to 0 - 9 and space.
Decodes an ObjectDescriptor, which is a string consisting of only graphical characters. In fact, ObjectDescriptor is actually implicitly just a GraphicString! The formal specification for an ObjectDescriptor is:
Encodes an ObjectDescriptor, which is a string consisting of only graphical characters. In fact, ObjectDescriptor is actually implicitly just a GraphicString! The formal specification for an ObjectDescriptor is:
Decodes an Object Identifier
Encodes an Object Identifier
Decodes a ubyte[] array
Encodes a ubyte[] array
Decodes a string that will only contain characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, space, apostrophe, parentheses, comma, minus, plus, period, forward slash, colon, equals, and question mark.
Encodes a string that will only contain characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, space, apostrophe, parentheses, comma, minus, plus, period, forward slash, colon, equals, and question mark.
Encodes a floating-point number
Encodes a floating-point number
Decodes a portion of an Object Identifier
Encodes a porition of an Object Identifier
Decodes an array of elements.
Encodes an array of elements.
Decodes an array of elements.
Encodes an array of elements.
Decodes bytes representing the T.61 Character Set
Encodes bytes representing the T.61 Character Set
Decodes a UTF-8 String
Encodes a UTF-8 String
Decodes a string of UTF-32 characters
Encodes a string of UTF-32 characters
Decodes a string that only contains characters between and including 0x20 and 0x7E. (Honestly, I don't know how this differs from GraphicalString.)
Encodes a string that only contains characters between and including 0x20 and 0x7E. (Honestly, I don't know how this differs from GraphicalString.)
The number of recursions used for parsing constructed elements.
The limit of recursions permitted for parsing constructed elements. Feel free to increase this, if you are not afraid of your system parsing deeply-nested elements, but you probably do not need to change this. You probably do not want to exceed 20, because doing so could make your application vulnerable to denial-of-service attacks, and you should absolutely never set this to 255.
The number of recursions used for parsing the values of constructed elements.
The octets of the encoded value.
The generic element from which all other elements will inherit