
Decodes an array of bools representing a string of bits.

  1. bool[] bitString [@property getter]
    class CanonicalEncodingRulesElement
    override @property @system const
  2. bool[] bitString [@property setter]

Return Value

Type: bool[]

an array of bools, where each bool represents a bit in the encoded bit string


  • ASN1ValueSizeException if the any primitive contains 0 bytes
  • ASN1ValueException if the first byte has a value greater than seven, or if the first byte indicates the presence of padding bits when no subsequent bytes exist, or if any primitive but the last in a constructed BIT STRING uses padding bits, or if any of the padding bits are set
  • ASN1RecursionException if using constructed form and the element is constructed of too many nested constructed elements
  • ASN1TagClassException if any nested primitives do not share the same tag class as their outer constructed element
  • ASN1TagNumberException if any nested primitives do not share the same tag number as their outer constructed element
