
Decodes an ObjectDescriptor, which is a string consisting of only graphical characters. In fact, ObjectDescriptor is actually implicitly just a $(MONO GraphicString)! The formal specification for an ObjectDescriptor is:

$(MONO ObjectDescriptor ::= [UNIVERSAL 7] IMPLICIT GraphicString)

$(MONO GraphicString) is just a string containing only characters between and including 0x20 and 0x7E, therefore ObjectDescriptor is just 0x20 and 0x7E.

  1. string objectDescriptor [@property getter]
    class CanonicalEncodingRulesElement
    override @property @system const
  2. string objectDescriptor [@property setter]


  • ASN1ValueCharactersException if the encoded value contains any character outside of 0x20 to 0x7E, which means any control characters or $(MONO DELETE)
  • ASN1RecursionException if using constructed form and the element is constructed of too many nested constructed elements
  • ASN1TagClassException if any nested primitives do not share the same tag class as their outer constructed element
  • ASN1TagNumberException if any nested primitives do not share the same tag number as their outer constructed element

